
Articles and Thoughts

We ask that your Blog copy is a minimum of 200 Intuition - 3 kindsIn ‘Articles and Thoughts on Vedanta’, SSSS speaks of three kinds of intuition: 1) sensuous intuition of objects (indriyanubhava, 2) m ........

Unanimous Tradition

I have been interested in philosophy since I read Plato's Republic at fifteen. For the past ten years, I have focused on Indian philosophy, particularly Shankara. Plato can be considered a non-dualist ........

Metaphysics: What is Platonic dualism?

Initially or provisionally, two levels of reality are described by Plato: the Intelligible world of Forms, and the Sensible world of external objects, but we have to bear in mind that the lower or phe ........

Duality & non-duality

FOREWORDThis book consists of a selection from Quora of some of the most relevant questions concerning metaphysics or spirituality that encompass the Eastern and Western traditions. The approach is ca ........