Articles and Thoughts

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In ‘Articles and Thoughts on Vedanta’, SSSS speaks of three kinds of intuition: 1) sensuous intuition of objects (indriyanubhava, 2) mental perception (manasa pratiaksha, and 3) immediate intuition such as that of the three states (waking, dream, etc.). Under this last type the author includes a kind of universal intuition ‘without the aid of the senses or the mind that has been regarded by Shankara as the valid means of right knowledge. This third variety of intuition is absolutely immediate and is quite unaffected by the nature of the object it intuits. It is therefore more appropriately called by the name of intuition.’
On the next page (p.55) the author makes the clarification that the first two kinds of intuition make us understand things ‘with the help of the mind and the senses rather than intuit them’.

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